At least now that we've gone over ways they can tell me they don't understand what I'm saying and I've used pictures as well as physically modeling "NO THROWING" I have noticed a drop in throwing incidents. Almost immediately. The pressure to be better at managing my classes is on but I'd like to think I'm on my way to getting that quieter classroom.
And I went back online to see about foreigners in China using online banking. I should be able to open an online banking account with my passport since I was able to open a bank account with nothing more than my passport so something was lost in translation or the branch near me is unsure about how the process of opening online banking for a foreigner works so they don't want to risk anything by trying. I need to go back with my liaison and see if I can push a little harder. It would be convenient for me to be able to order things online. I was finally able to pay for an air filter and some replacement filters because the company's website uses paypal. China has a kind of paypal site called ZhiFuBao as well but again, I need to go to the bank and ask for online banking to use it. But ugh, that air filter will be coming just in time if today is any indication of what winter will be like.